Columbus, OH 10TV Cyber Security Interview Check out our CEO, Matt, being interviewed on our local CBS station! He lends his IT and cybersecurity expertise to help people protect themselves online at home. With cyberattacks on the rise throughout 2022, you can never...
Running a small business is no easy feat. It’s a balancing act with a lot of give and take. A huge part of that balancing act is managing your IT needs: your hardware, software, and the people who can put it all together and keep it running smoothly. Managing your own...
Is your email inbox a mess? Well, you’re in luck! We’re here to show you how to clean up your inbox with email rules. You’ll learn how to…1. Access your email inbox rules2. Add a new rule with 1 or more conditions, actions, and exceptions3....
Windows 11 Rollout Beginning October 5th, Microsoft will begin rolling out Windows 11, its first new operating system in 6 years. Windows 11 will roll out in phases, which means it will automatically push the update out to smallish batches of user machines at a time....
With so much of our critical information stored in digital form these days, cyber threats are a very real and very serious problem, and they can come from anywhere at any time. You might be familiar with a few of these common types of cyber-attacks: Malware “malicious...
In the healthcare industry, storing ePHI while remaining HIPAA compliant can be a tricky task. While some covered entities may opt for storing their ePHI onsite, many others rely on cloud backup servers from 3rd-party providers to safeguard their ePHI. When you choose...
What is a Business Associate Agreement (BAA)? It has become necessary for HIPAA-covered entities to set up partnerships with other organizations to safeguard their healthcare data assets. The contracts for these partnerships, which specify what each party is...
HIPAA regulations are far-reaching and apply to many types of covered entities. From single-doctor practices to enterprise hospital networks and the business associates that each works with, everyone is required to be HIPAA compliant. Since HIPAA applies to such a...
What is 2-factor authentication (2FA) vs multi-factor authentication (MFA)? 2-factor authentication is a security measure where users must confirm who they are by providing just two pieces of proof before they can receive access to a device (e.g. computer, phone),...
When it comes to protecting ePHI, one of the first lines of defense is a strong password policy for all systems that house sensitive information. HIPAA has set out guidelines for creating, changing and protecting passwords. It’s critical that covered entities follow...