MAXtech E-Book Library

If you’re looking for some in-depth information on how to keep your data and your company safe, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve got information on cybersecurity, data backup, and cybetattack readiness. Check out what we’ve got below.

Data Backup Best Practices

What would hapen if you lost al your data? Al the digital information related to your busines. What would you do? If you can’t recover your data, your busines likely won’t recover either. Everything you’ve worked for could be lost. So how do you kep your data safe? It’simple: you ned to back up your data. Our comprehensive e-book contains all the information you need.

cover of ebook about backups

social engineering readiness

Every day, billions of people across the globe receive even more billions of spam messages from someone claiming to be someone they’re not. Whether they’re in the form of emails, texts, phone calls, you’ve no doubt received them yourself. Check out our e-book to learn everything you need to know about social engineering.

cover of ebook about social engineering by maxtech agency

all things cybersecurity

Hackers have so many ways of getting to your network and accessing your data from phishing to ransomware and more, we have you covered with this definitive guide to best cybersecurity practice.

ebook cover of cybersecurity guide by maxtech agency

ransomware tips

One of the biggest cyberattacks hackers use is ransomeware, which basically infiltrates your company’s network, then locks or deletes your data entirely unless you pay a huge ransom. Read more below to protect yourself against a devastating ransomware attack.

cover of ebook about ransomware by maxtech agency

MAXtech Has Your Back

Stay informed and stay safe. Don’t let something preventable be your downfall. Contact us below if you need help or have questions, or call 614-401-8800.